Monroe High School seeks volunteer mentors

Monroe High School (MHS, 17001 Tester Road) is seeking volunteer mentors to help create a supportive environment for students who may have a challenging time navigating their educational experiences.
In its second year, the mentoring program was conceptualized by counselor Tammy Ploughe Amador after she identified a growing need at the school. Mentors must be able to pass a criminal background check, and should be willing to spend approximately 40 minutes a week with students in a one-on-one interactive capacity.
Typically, students meet with their mentors every Wednesday, from 1:45 to 2:20 p.m. during study time. Activities might range from helping students cultivate better organizational skills, to going over student progress reports or simply lending a listening ear. The mentorships are individualized based on the student's needs.
"I just need people that are going to care,GÇ¥ Amador said.
Students are recommended for the mentoring program based on various criteria, including grades, attendance and frequency of disciplinary action. Research indicates that mentoring can increase high school graduation rates, help facilitate a better attitude toward school in general, boost self-esteem and self-confidence and develop and strengthen student communication skills.
"It helps test scores go up, it helps attendance, it helps discipline GÇô all that kind of stuff,GÇ¥ Amador said.
Currently, Amador has recruited and trained roughly six volunteer mentors who work with students every week. She is hoping that, by spreading awareness about the program, she will increase that number. So far, it seems to have a positive impact on the students involved.
"I think it's working for those kids who are willing to receive the help,GÇ¥ Amador said.
For those interested in becoming a mentor who cannot accommodate the Wednesday afternoon time frame, there is a degree of flexibility. To find out more about becoming a mentor, contact Amador at


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