Monroe High students honored as All State musicians

Four Monroe High School seniors have been selected into the Washington Music Educators Association (WMEA) All State Honor Music groups and will join hundreds of other students from around the state in Yakima in mid-February.
"It's such an amazing feeling,GÇ¥ says Anya Liebman, who will be singing alto in the Honor Jazz Choir, a select group of 16 singers. "I worked so hard to get in, and to finally make it senior year is incredible.GÇ¥ She was chosen for the symphonic choir two years ago.

Marcus Thornton was chosen as a Tenor I for the Honor Symphonic Choir. "I'm excited to meet the other ones who made it, to see how we can come together and make something cool,GÇ¥ he says. Marcus was a member of the quartet who received honorable mention last year from the 5th Avenue Theater for their small ensemble performance of in the Happy Days production at Monroe High School.
This is the third year in a row that Evan Wang has been selected for one of the all-state honor music groups. Wang will play the French horn in the Honor Concert Band. "I am really looking forward to going this year,GÇ¥ he says. "One of the biggest things is that the Monroe wind ensemble will be playing there as well, so I will be rehearsing with the concert band and playing with my school, as well.GÇ¥
Jackson Stewart-DeBelly will play bassoon in the Honor Symphony. "I'm excited to be with all the other musicians,GÇ¥ he says. "It is great playing with musicians at advanced levels, and who really care about music.GÇ¥
"These students have worked hard,GÇ¥ says Lisa White, Monroe High band director. "I'm very pleased to see them get acknowledgment for their efforts.GÇ¥


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