Monroe launches second request for lobbyist candidates

The city of Monroe has issued a second formal request for proposal in the interest of retaining the services of a state lobbying firm to represent its interests in Olympia.

The decision to issue the proposal was based on council direction after receiving notification that the city only received one response to its initial RFP issued earlier this summer. The new RFP for lobbying services was released on Wednesday, Aug. 19, and will remain open until 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18. Proposals must be received via email by City Clerk Elizabeth Smoot at Monroe City Hall, 806 W. Main St.

The city's scope of work includes proactively identifying legislation and legislative proposals that could have an impact on the city, working with the mayor and city council to compile a comprehensive legislative agenda, meeting with key legislators year round to discuss legislative items, developing capital budget requests as opportunities are sought by the city council, providing weekly legislative reports during the 2016 session and tracking bills.-á

Efforts to find a lobbying firm came on the heels of a March 24 Monroe City Council meeting, where lobbyists Chad Minnick and Bryan Wahl gave a presentation on the benefits of legislative advocacy. Minnick and Wahl were representing the Monroe-based lobbying firm Green Light Strategies, of which Minnick is a founder.-á

Minnick served on the Monroe City Council from 2004 through 2007. He lives in Monroe with his wife, Julie, and their three daughters. A longtime political consulting team, the two have worked in campaign management, political strategy and public relations for nearly 20 years.

During that same meeting, Monroe Finance Director Dianne Nelson revealed that general fund balances came in at higher than what was anticipated, and told council to expect a 2015 budget amendment reflecting the extra funds sometime in May or June. Council discussed dedicating a portion of the additional funds to securing the services of a lobbying firm.

A sample RFP was drafted and presented to council in May.

Green Light Strategies, which specializes in legislative research, policy analysis, bill tracking, legislative agendas and representation throughout the legislative process, was the only lobbying firm to respond to the city's initial RFP. Councilmember Patsy Cudaback asked for the item to be added to the agenda during the Tuesday, Aug. 18, meeting so that council could discussion its options.-á

Former Monroe Mayor Donnetta Walser addressed the council during public comment at that meeting, stressing the importance of having different options and advising the city to issue another RFP. She recommended extending the search beyond typical protocols by advertising in newspapers located outside Snohomish County.-á

"I think you need to look further ' cast a wider net on your applicants,GÇ¥ Walser said. "I think that you need to explore as many options as possible.GÇ¥

Armstrong and Associates founder Mike Armstrong also was in attendance, having heard only one firm responded to the initial RFP. The former Washington legislator-turned-lobbyist presented his qualifications and background to the council.

"I believe I could help Monroe,GÇ¥ Armstrong said. "I have a strong transportation background.GÇ¥

Armstrong served for 12 years in the state House of Representatives. He was the ranking member on the House Transportation Committee and the deputy leader of the Republican Caucus. He served on numerous committees during his time as a lawmaker, including housing, state government and tribal affairs.

He also spent 21 years with the Washington State Department of Transportation, five years at the Chelan County Public Utility District and six years at Port of Chelan County. He started his lobbying and consulting firm in 2013.-á -á

He referenced the current state of U.S. 2.

"I don't know if you know this ' you have a mess out here,GÇ¥ Armstrong said. "People won't stop at your businesses because they don't want to try to get back on. We should fix that. And there's ways of doing it.GÇ¥

For more information on the city's State Lobbyist Public Affairs Representative RFP, visit To submit a proposal for consideration, email

Photo by Chris Hendrickson The Monroe City Council is looking for a lobbying firm to represent the cityGÇÖs interests at the Washington Legislature. After receiving only one bid in the first round, the council decided to launch another.


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