Monroe mission gets handmade table from Scout

By Polly Keary, editor
Women trying to get back on their feet will have a nice place to sit while they do it, thanks to the work of a Monroe Eagle Scout candidate.
Sho Kuniyuki, 17, of Snohomish, found out about the Monroe Gospel Women's Mission through his church, and thought of the organization when planning a project to help him earn his Eagle Scout rank.
He made an appointment to meet with Dorothy Stima and the managers at the mission, which offers shelter to women who are transitioning out of homelessness, leaving unhealthy living situations or otherwise displaced.
While there, he discussed possibilities such as repainting doors or other maintenance work. But then, he became aware that the dining table was too small.
"We decided that's what it should be,GÇ¥ he said.
Kuniyuki, who has been in the Boy Scouts for about 10 years, hadn't made furniture before, but his dad had some experience. So they bought red oak and got started.
It took a couple months of sawing, sanding and staining to complete. Furthermore, as Kuniyuki worked on the project, an uncle donated 10 chairs, which Kuniyuki sanded down and refinished.
The table has been greatly appreciated, said Stima.



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