Monroe teen dies in train collision

A 15-year-old Monroe High School student was killed when he was struck by a BNSF freighter train around 3:45 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14.

The student was in the tracks at North Kelsey Street when he was struck by the eastbound train, which blocked 179th Avenue Southeast, North Kelsey and part of Lewis Street for four hours while police investigated.

Monroe Police report there were several other students in the area at the time of the collision, and the cause is still under investigation.

“We have statements, but we want to go back and do some more in-depth (interviews),” said MPD administrative director Debbie Willis. “At the time of a crisis, you sometimes can’t get a lot.”

Monroe School District superintendent Fredrika Smith responded to the police department to share information, Willis said, and a team was put together to respond at the high school, which had a football game that night.

MSD communications coordinator Tamara Krache tells the Monitor extra counseling was made available at the schools the student attended, and the district’s crisis response team was also put in place at those sites.

The Snohomish County Medical Examiner had not released the identity of the student nor the manner of death prior to the Monitor’s print deadline.



Photo courtesy of Monroe Police: A Monroe High School student was killed after being struck by a freighter train at North Kelsey Street on Friday, Sept. 14.


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