Passing hospital levy a must

Save Valley General Hospital. This is the theme of the hospital levy campaign. Living for 42 years in Monroe, I've seen the growth of the hospital and how it's become an outstanding facility with compassionate employees that care about the patient. This comes from personal experience as my family and I have been the recipient of quality care there on numerous occasions. It's my opinion that passing the levy is a must. The potential loss of overnight service and the loss of a level four trauma emergency service would be devastating. The additional travel time to Providence or Evergreen would mean the difference between life and death in many situations.
Secondly, the cost is minimal. My property taxes are $550 to save my house from a fire which I pay very willingly. The cost to save my life is currently just $32 to the hospital district. The reason for the small amount of money is that there has not been an increase in the levy rate since 1990 making Valley General taxpayers the lowest in the entire state. With increased levy amount I will still pay less than $100 a year. I feel this is still the best bargain around. We have enjoyed bargain basement prices for high quality medical services far too long. It's time to step up to the plate with the increase-still paying less than we should for high quality service. Vote Yes. Save Valley General Hospital.
George Hieber


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