Sky Valley kids deserve great educational opportunities

Dear Editor,
My husband and I moved to the Sky Valley when we purchased our home in 2007. We have 2 young children. My daughter is in 1st grade and our son will be entering kindergarten in 2015. This February, residents of the Sultan School District will be asked to renew our existing school levy. This mother and property owner hopes my friends and neighbors will join me in Voting YES for our schools.
The Sultan school district, which serves students in Sultan, Startup and Gold Bar, is NOT asking to increase the levy, but rather, to renew the current level of funding for another 4 years.-á My family supports the upcoming levy because the children of Sky Valley deserve the best educational opportunities we can provide. Additionally, our property value is tied to numerous factors, especially the quality of our school system.
The School Levy represents approximately 20% of our districts annual budget. It funds teaching materials, staff training, classroom technology, ground upkeep, transportation costs and more. Many school clubs and teams benefit from funding generated by our local levy.-á Our unicycle team, Turk Marching Band, tech club and others as well as our athletic teams make us proud year after year. All these groups are fully or partially funded by the levy. Passing the levy is critical in order to maintain the current level of opportunity for our kids.
If you've ever attended a commencement ceremony at Sultan High School, you've read the program and know that the Sky Valley is sending graduates to Duke, Yale, Princeton and other notable collages around the country. Our students are going on to become doctors, bankers, engineers, police officers and nuclear physicists. They are defending us in the armed services, raising the next generation as home makers and moving from the back to the front of the classroom as teachers in a wide range of subjects.-á Whether you have kids in the system or not: these kids are the leaders of tomorrow. As a community, it is our responsibility to make sure they have the best education possible.
Please remember, the school district is NOT asking us to pay more GÇô they are asking us to renew the current levels of funding for another 4 years. There are three ways you can support our efforts.
  1. Please accept a yard and or a car window sign to show your support.
  2. Talk to your friends and neighbors and urge them to vote YES for schools.
  3. Most importantly, fill in your ballot and vote YES for school by February 11th .
Thank you for your support.
Elizabeth Emmons


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