Sky Valley sends nearly a ton of candy to troops

Life is about to get a little sweeter for a great number of soldiers serving abroad or convalescing in military hospitals this holiday season, thanks to two large candy drives held in Monroe this fall.
One candy drive, held by Monroe High School Senior Taylor Gese, concluded Nov. 18 with 150 pounds of goodies including snacks, chips and candy, as well as necessities such as baby wipes and hand sanitizer going to soldiers abroad and at a military hospital in Texas.
The packages also include hand-written notes from MHS students, and Gese hopes to establish communication with some of the soldiers and create a video or get letters she can share with other students.
Lisa Dobbins was stunned by the response to her local radio appeal for treats for troops.
"Within minutes of the interview with the local radio station, I began receiving emails and phone calls from people wanting to be involved and help collect candy," she said in a letter to supporters.
She and other volunteers collected candy for two weeks, and in that time collected more than 1,500 pounds of candy and gifts for troops.
As of last week, she has shipped about half of it, and is seeking donors to sponsor some of the shipping costs.
"Each package costs $13.45 to send and we have over 150 of them," she said.
To help, contact Lisa Dobbin at (206) 948-3933


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