Sky Valley VOA seeking volunteers for senior center and teen program

The Volunteers of America Sky Valley Resource Center is seeking volunteers to help at the Sky Valley Senior Center as well as at Safe Stop, a youth-oriented program which provides a safe forum for local teens to interact.
The Sky Valley Senior Center is looking for both cooks and miscellaneous volunteers who can help out with the daily hot lunch program, which serves the area's senior citizens from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday through Thursday. Cooks and volunteers are also needed to help support the monthly pancake breakfast, which takes place from 8 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of each month.
Long-time senior center organizer Bonita Aadlund, one of the co-founders of the Sky Valley Senior Center, had to step out of her role with the center, and as a result, the VOA is seeking volunteers to help fill her shoes. Aadlund was honored by Sultan Mayor Carolyn Eslick in February of this year for her contributions to the senior center.
The Sky Valley Senior Center works to provide nutritious meals for an affordable price. Both the daily lunches and the pancake breakfasts serve as an opportunity for residents of the community to help support the center; you do not need to be a senior to enjoy the meals there. Nonmembers pay a slightly higher price GÇô $6 for lunch compared to $4 GÇô and the money goes directly back into funding the program.
Lunch, which is prepared onsite, includes a hot entr+¬e, a salad bar, soup line, desserts and beverages. The pancake breakfast, also cooked fresh, provides a vast selection of breakfast staples including pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, French toast and more.
In addition to providing home-cooked food, the meal programs provide both seniors and Sky Valley residents the opportunity to socialize and engage with other members of the community.
The Sky Valley Senior center is located in the large A-frame building situated at 617 First St. in Sultan.
VOA's Safe Stop program is also in need of volunteer support. Anybody who might be interested in serving the area's youth is welcome to contact the VOA to obtain additional information on the days and times in need of service. Currently, volunteers are needed to simply interact with the students.
Safe Stop takes place at Sultan Elementary School two Fridays of every month, from 1 to 5 p.m., and from 6 to 9 p.m. every Saturday. Teens aged 11 through 18 are welcome to attend Safe Stop.
Volunteering at for the VOA can be an excellent way for local high school students to achieve the community service hours required for graduation. The VOA is willing to work around individual schedules, and there is no minimum level of service required. For more information on volunteering, contact VOA Director Calei Vaughn at: 360-793-2400 or email her at:


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