"SpiceGÇ¥ story: symptom of much larger problem

Well, it's nice that Colby Taft survived his little experiment with smoking 'spice' (at the taxpayers and insurance company-áexpense to hospitalize him).-á (Monitor May 13) Nice going.
Getting high and mood altering is the national pastime, it seems. We have an acre of booze in every grocery store, legal marijuana now, and people are smoking cigarettes, crack, herion, meth, pot, THC extract, and anything they can smoke or snort or shoot or get their hands on to get loaded. And we bail them out by dialing 911, getting them free detox and treament, calling it a 'disease' and feeling sorry for them. Or they've got their noses buried in cell phones and 'Smart' (really?) phones all day.
All in all it's an ongoing lesson, and circus, in The Land Of The Frivolous, where anything goes, and everybody gets bailed out of their destructive decisions by society, the taxpayers, and medical establishment, at a huge price. Only the people they kill on the road, hurt, and disappoint, suffer.
It might be time to cut to the chase and address the issues underneath all this addiction, such as a lack of love, kindness, intelligence, and connectedness. (Something that a good 12 Step meeting does address.)
Robert Van den Akker


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