Sultan annexation opponents seeking state board review

Editor's Note: This story has been amended to make a correction, which is that opponents have not yet filed a petition, but intend to later this week.

Opponents of Sultan's 124th Street Annexation proposal plan to-áfile a petition for review with the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Snohomish County.-á

The five-member board has jurisdiction over municipal matters involving incorporations, special purpose districts and annexations. Filed April 4, Sultan's petition would annex 64.72 acres of property located on the north side of 124th Street Southeast, incorporating it into the city limits. The annexation area consists of five separate parcels owned by individual landowners who engaged the 60 percent petition process in pursuit of the annexation.

The proposal has faced a large amount of opposition from Sultan area residents who feel that annexation is not an appropriate action at this time. They have asserted it is inconsistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan, which discourages annexations until buildable land is unavailable in the city.

They have presented concerns about safety, lack of infrastructure and traffic impacts, saying Sultan's lowered population allocation does not warrant additional residential development.

Proponents feel that since the area is in the Urban Growth Area (UGA), it is slated for growth, and allege the property is conducive to high-density residential development. They assert that the city would benefit from the increased tax base that additional rooftops would bring.

In order to compel the review process, opponents had to gather signatures from 5 percent of the registered voters residing within a quarter-mile of the annexation area. They also had to pay a $200 fee.

It is anticipated that the board will conduct a public hearing on the matter sometime after the 45-day review period, which expires on May 18.


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