Sultan Block Watch, Rep. Scott hold town hall

The Sultan Block Watch Network will host a town hall meeting, with special guest Washington state Rep. Elizabeth Scott.

The meeting will take place on Sunday, May 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Sultan Middle School (301 High Ave.). Free child care will be provided by students from Sultan High School. The meeting will be facilitated by Block Watch President Bob Klement, Community Captain Jody Kerr and Communications Officer Tiffany Kerr.-á

Klement reached out to Scott about participating in a town hall meeting because he figured it would be a great way to open up a line of communication between the residents of the Sultan community and their local legislator. Scott will provide an update on her accomplishments this session and talk about the work that still needs to be completed. Although the 2015 legislative session was scheduled to adjourn on April 26, lawmakers have been called back for a special session, which was called to order on Wednesday, April 29. -á

Attendees are being encouraged to bring questions for Scott.

For more information on the Sultan Block Watch Network, visit, or the Facebook page-áá


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