Sultan City Council holding public hearing for 80-acre 124th Street annexation

The Sultan City Council will hold a public hearing this week to take comments about the potential annexation of roughly 80 acres of property off Sultan Basin Road on 124th Street.

The hearing begins after 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28, at Sultan City Hall. The annexation property is north of Sultan off the Sultan Basin Road and commonly referred to as the "124th Street Annexation Petition Area.GÇ¥ The request is being driven by property owner Rusty Drivstuen, who submitted the required petition with signatures from property owners representing ownership of more than 60 percent of the area.

Annexation occurs when a portion of unincorporated county becomes part of the incorporated city limits, and a 60 percent petition is a common method.

The 124th Street Annexation Petition Area includes eight parcels that are less than 25 acres each, and is currently zoned Unincorporated Low Density Residential by Snohomish County.

For more information about the annexation request, visitá


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