Sultan Council Vote

Dear Editor,
As a long time residence and active volunteer, I am writing to implore the citizens of Sultan to vote for the future of our great community.
The candidates for the Sultan City Council seats are divided in their view of what our future should look like.-áOn one side there is the "I Can" group who first tried to disincorporate the city, and is now running on a platform to disband our city-owned garbage service.-áTheir view is that it will save us money.
On the other side are some of my fellow volunteers who believe, as I do, that you must invest in your future.-áRocky Walker, Marianne Naslund, and Ken Marshall are three of the hardest working volunteers I know.-áI am always amazed at how much gets done because someone stepped up to volunteer their time. All three of these candidates have proven to me that they have the community's best interests at heart.
In the other hand, the three candidates and their affiliates are suing the City of Sultan because they believe that funds have been mishandled and misappropriated.-áThey have stated that they feel the citizens are paying too much for -á"top heavy" -ácity staff.-áCity staff has been asked to account for their time in 15 minute increments, and still they doubt the integrity of our staff.-áI do not see the community growing with this as their attitude. I see decay and resentment and ultimately a community divided.-áThis is not what I see for our community's future!!
Are we paying city staff well? -áYes, definitely! I can attest that they have produced far above expectation.-áThe city was awarded grant moneys exceeding half a million dollars last year alone because our city staff are doing what we pay them to do.-áI am now eligible for a reduced rate on flood insurance because city staff are working for a better future for us all. I have gotten to know almost all of our employees over the last 10 years and have a high regard for their integrity and work ethic.
I am concerned that the temptation to save a few dollars now will sway votes to the detriment of the entire community.-áIf we eliminate the garbage service how will we pay for our full time, quality employees, who have been doing a super job here?-áI don't know who would mow, and fix potholes, and fix sidewalks, and fix water leaks, and broken gates, to name just a few, but I would bet that it would cost more in the long run and degrade the levels of service that I voted to maintain.
I see lots of time and money being put into this campaign, but don't let the rhetoric sway your vote.-áPlease vote with me to continue our progress towards a brighter future.-áPlease vote for Ken Marshall, Rocky Walker, and Marianne Naslund and let's keep on track to a better, brighter future here in the Skykomish Valley!!!!!!!!!
Susie Hollenbeck


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