Sultan teen representing youth interests on city council

The Sultan City Council unanimously confirmed the appointment of 16-year-old Sultan High School student Claire Sorgen as the student representative on the Sultan City Council last month.
Sorgen is following in the footsteps of her older brother, Nicholas, who served as the student representative during the 2014GÇô15 school year. On her application, she noted the reason she was interested in serving was because it had been such a positive experience for her brother, who told her it was interesting to learn about city operations and that his service on the council was a great experience.
One of her goals is to be more involved in the community.
"I believe serving as the student representative on city council will help me do that,GÇ¥ Sorgen wrote. "I would like to take information that I learn at city council meetings back to the school to get more students involved.GÇ¥
The student representative is an appointed volunteer position, serving as liaison between the city and Sultan High School on matters directly related to youth in the community. The student must be an officer of the high school Associated Student Body (ASB); Sorgen was sophomore class treasurer and secretary.
After submitting her application, Sorgen was interviewed by Sultan Mayor Carolyn Eslick and Sultan City Administrator Ken Walker.
As a part of her role on the council, Sorgen will be asked to provide updates to the council concerning events and activities at the high school. Her term expires June 30, 2017.
"I believe I would represent the school extremely well,GÇ¥ wrote Claire in a letter to the councilmembers submitted with her application. "I am involved in many clubs, sports and have very good grades. Being very involved in school I would be able to get more students involved with activities in the city with the knowledge I gain from being on the city council.GÇ¥
Sultan City Councilmember Russell Wiita got his feet wet as a politician by serving as the student representative during the 2010GÇô11 school year. Wiita earned his seat on the council during last November's election, winning with the widest margin of all of Sultan's elected positions ' 75.68 percent ' including the mayor.Photo by Chris Hendrickson Claire Sorgen is the second member of the Sorgen family to be appointed as the student representative on the Sultan City Council. She follows in the footsteps of her brother, Nicholas, who served during the 2014-15 school year.


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