Two more MHS students sign letters of intent to play college sports

Monroe High School (MHS) seniors Shanden Mixayphone and Laura Lothrop signed letters of intent to play football at Eastern Oregon University (EOU) and volleyball at Iowa Central Community College, respectively.

“I’m ecstatic to have the opportunity to play football at the collegiate level,” Mixayphone said in  a press release. He chose EOU after visiting the campus and feeling it was a place where he could be comfortable in no time. “I liked that it was small and close-knit,” he explained

The son of Bobby and Stanlynne Mixayphone plans to major in psychology, with a minor in business. “I am focused more on the accounting side of business so I can learn how to manage money,” he said. “And then possibly I could use it to go into another field other than psychology, as a back-up plan.”

Laura Lothrop was impressed with what Iowa Central had to offer in scholarships and athletic competition for her volleyball career. “Some of the community colleges from the Midwest have a 52-game schedule and go to a lot more tournaments than the universities in Washington do,” she said. She was amazed at their campus, too. “It was really big – it didn’t look like a community college.”

Although Lothrop plans to major in English, the daughter of Brett and Nancy Lothrop, has a secret wish. “Right now, if I had my way I’d just travel, see places, go to Europe,” she said. “I want to become an author and maybe a journalist.”

Lothrop says her parents are excited for her. “They think it’ll be good for me to see a new state and be on my own,” she said. 


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