Volunteers of America outlines services to Sky Valley


Volunteers of America (VOA) Vice President of Development and Communications Mark Johnson presented to Monroe City Council last Tuesday, Sept. 2, giving a comprehensive overview of what the VOA is doing to provide services in the Sky Valley area.
Johnson explained that the bulk of the VOA's services are broken down into six core areas and that their programs are implemented on top of that basic framework. The six areas of emphasis include Basic Needs Services, Child and Youth Services, Conflict Resolution Services, Personal Support Services, Volunteer Engagement Services and Behavioral Health Services.
Often times, a single core area like Basic Needs Services will operate as an umbrella under which numerous programs exist. The Housing and Transitional Services (HATS) program, an employment readiness program, the VOA food banks, life skills instruction and more all function under the Basic Needs Services umbrella.
"We really try to integrate all our services into one program area,GÇ¥ said Johnson.
The technique allows the VOA to provide a holistic approach when seeking ways to alleviate homelessness. While temporary 90-day shelters are always an option, the VOA prefers to seek long-term solutions which will often entail helping clients find employment, develop life skills and put food on the table.
The Early Childhood Education Assistance Program, also known as ECEAP, offers free preschool to low-income families and falls under the Child and Youth Services umbrella.
"We run and operate three state-licensed ECEAP preschools in Snohomish County,GÇ¥ said Johnson.
There is a community ECEAP preschool located in Sultan and children must be four years old by August 31 to be eligible for enrollment.
Recently, Child and Youth Services partnered with the Granite Falls School District to provide childcare services to teen parents. The preventative tool has helped to lower the rate of teen parent dropouts. Johnson explained that roughly 50 percent of teenage parents end up dropping out of school because it is simply overwhelming for them to try to continue their education and care for their child at the same time.
"There used to be three programs within Snohomish County to help deal with this issue,GÇ¥ said Johnson. "Two of those shut down in the past two years so we've reopened one of them in Granite Falls, and are looking at partnering with the Monroe School District to do another one in Monroe sometime in the near future.GÇ¥
Under the Conflict Resolution Services umbrella, the VOA provides landlord/tenant dispute assistance as well as mediation services to couples going through a divorce or other difficult situations.
"When people are going through divorce in Washington State, and there are children involved, you have to deal with a parenting plan,GÇ¥ said Johnson. "We help mediate some of those circumstances. A lot of times when parents go before a judge, it is mandated that they go through mediation.GÇ¥
The VOA also provides a certification course to help people who may have an eviction on their record. The course is provided by VOA mediators, and can help the individual become more likely to be able to rent property again from another landlord.
The Behavior Health Services umbrella can include things like therapy and mental health counseling. At the VOA's resource center located in Sultan, they partner with an organization called Sunrise Services for mental health services which can be obtained onsite.
"That's where we're unique from the Everett office,GÇ¥ explained new VOA Director Calei Vaughn. "Here you can get therapeutic interactions on site.GÇ¥
Volunteers of America also provide the county with 2-1-1 service, which is a resource hotline that people can utilize to obtain referrals and other types of assistance. The goal of 2-1-1 is to connect people with the services that they need.
If someone were suffering from a lack of food, for example, the person could call 2-1-1 and find out where the closest food bank is located.
"If you call 2-1-1 and you are in need, there is a Volunteers of America operator that is answering and then directing you to services,GÇ¥ said Johnson.
Also under the Behavior Health Services umbrella are both crisis line services and crisis chat services.
Personal Support Services is the VOA program oriented towards working with individuals who are developmentally disabled. The VOA currently has approximately 100 developmentally disabled clients from North King County up to Bellingham and are providing them with 24-hour a day, 7-day a week in-home care.
Johnson explained that the program provides everything from bathing assistance to shopping, cooking and cleaning. Importantly, shared Johnson, the VOA also makes sure that clients are socially active and engaged in the community. The program makes it possible for disabled clients to remain living in their own homes.
"It really works well for our clients,GÇ¥ said Johnson.
Lastly, the Volunteer Engagement Services umbrella is crucial to the long-term vitality of many VOA programs and services. The VOA is actively recruiting volunteers to work at food banks, provide reception services at the Sky Valley Resource Center in Sultan, become mediators and to serve as senior companion volunteers.
Johnson shared that countless opportunities for volunteerism exist within the VOA framework.
For more information on the Volunteers of America Western Washington programs and services, please visit the website at: http://www.voaww.org/. For services specific to the Sky Valley area, please visit: http://www.voaww.org/Get-Help/Skykomish-Valley-Services/Sky-Valley-Service-Overview.


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