WDFW closes salmon fishing in area rivers

By Brandon Macz

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is closing all salmon fishing in the Snohomish, Snoqualmie, Skykomish and Wallace Rivers now through Thursday, Nov. 15. The only salmon that would not need to be released if caught are marked hatchery coho.

WDFW reports the in-season Snohomish wild coho run is lower than the preseason forecast, and it is taking this measure to protect future coho runs “by increasing the chances wild spawner escapement goals are met.”

Gamefish remain open in these areas.

The area between the hatchery weir and 400 feet downstream on the Wallace River will remain closed until the weir is removed.

Questions can be directed to WDFW’s Region 4 office in Mill Creek at 425-775-1311.

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