Eatonville Council extends water system plan

At its Feb. 22 meeting, the Eatonville Town Council approved an update allowing for a four-year extension to the Eatonville Water System Plan in the form of Resolution 2021-H. The town’s water system has been required to update the plan every six years. Legislation now allows for updates every 10 years.

“This extension gets us to that 10-year timeline period,” Town Administrator Abby Gribi said.

According to a February 2021 letter from RH2 Engineering out of Tacoma, “On behalf of the Town of Eatonville (Town), RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) is requesting a 4-year extension for the Town’s 2013 Water System Plan (WSP) approval. On October 17, 2013, the Town’s WSP was approved for a 6-year term. Since then, updated requirements under WAC 246-290-100(9) extended the WSP approval period to 10 years. There have not been any significant changes that were not already documented in the 2013 WSP, and the projects and growth presented in the current WSP are still accurate projections of the Town’s current planning efforts.”

The resolution passed 4-1, with Councilmember Rob Thomas as the lone “no” vote.


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