County could create new lake management district

At its May 11 meeting, the Pierce County Council moved forward with plans to create a new lake management district to better maintain Spanaway Lake.

By a unanimous vote, the council approved Resolution No. R2021-57, the creation of the new “Spanaway Lake Management District No. 1.”
According to the resolution, the management district gives property owners living along the lake an official mechanism they can use to make lake improvements and maintenance. The resolution came about after several property owners circulated a petition asking the council to create a new district.

Plans call for the new district to be funded by rates and charges on the surrounding neighborhood, which could raise a total of between $100,000 and $200,000 per year. The money would go toward improving water quality, fighting invasive species and managing birds living on the lake.
“I commend them for their efforts and sticking to this, and it’s been fabulous people to work with,” Councilmember Amy Cruver said of work done.
Given the aforementioned petition gathered signatures of approximately 20 percent of homeowners who live on the water, the management district is not yet finalized. The Pierce County Council will host a public hearing on the formation of the district at 7 p.m. on June 10.

In other major business, the council passed Resolution No. R2021-26, adopting amendments to the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan. The 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendments include an amendment expanding the Urban Growth Area and the Town of Wilkeson’s Potential Annexation Area; area-wide map amendments changing the land use designations in several areas of unincorporated Pierce County; and policy and text amendments to five community plans: Alderton-McMillin, Browns Point-Dash Point, Gig Harbor Peninsula, Graham and Key Peninsula.
The Growth Management Act is a series of state statutes, first adopted in 1990, that require cities and counties to develop comprehensive plans to manage their population growth.

Finally, the council passed a resolution honoring fallen peace officers and designating May 15, 2021, as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” in Pierce County.


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