County Council updates waste management plan

The Pierce County Council updated the Tacoma-Pierce County Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Plan per state law requiring coordination and planning for disposal of said waste.

The updated plan focuses more on sustainable endeavors as part of the fight against climate change, a more holistic approach to waste removal, reducing food waste and working toward more equitable outcomes in underserved communities.

The plan also tasks the county executive with soliciting letters of concurrence or adoption from cities and towns per existing interlocal agreements regarding the management of solid waste.

“This is something that we have to do,” Council Chair Derek Young said at the April 5 meeting. “It’s not an optional task, so, you know, local government is often about chewing gum and walking at the same time. And, you know, there’s not any one thing we should prioritize over another. We have to do all of them at the same time.”

In other business, the council approved the county executive entering into a one-year contract with The News Tribune for publishing legal notices in Pierce County. The maximum cost of the contract is $135,000.

A resolution proclaiming April 4-10 as “National Public Health Week” in Pierce County was approved by the council.


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