County Council approves growth management ordinance

In an effort to take on out-of-control housing prices and inadequate infrastructure, the Pierce County Council approved an ordinance adopting the Growth Management Act’s population, housing unit and employment targets for cities, towns and unincorporated areas of the county for the year 2044.

First adopted in 1990, the Growth Management Act is a series of state statutes that requires fast-growing cities and counties to develop a comprehensive plan to manage their population growth.

According to Pierce County population growth targets, the total population as of the 2020 census was 921,130, with a projected population growth of 275,668 over the next 24 years. That means the population of Pierce County in 2044 is projected to be 1,119,978.

“It’s kind of the minimum we believe we have to plan for, while striving to — especially on the rural numbers — to drive those down as much as possible,” Council Chair Derek Young said at the Aug. 16 meeting.

On the flip side, he said, that means cities and unincorporated urban areas will need to accept more density.

In other business, the council confirmed the appointment of several people to various boards and commissions. Roseanna Camacho was reappointed to the Human Services Citizens’ Advisory Board.

Robert Batey and Blake Patton were appointed as two new members of the Pierce County Ethics Commission.

Jacob Ray, Zach Shoemaker and Wendy Wright were appointed as three new members of the South Hill Land Use Advisory Commission.


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