Eatonville School District celebrates CTE

GRITS Farm at the CTE fair.

GRITS Farm at the CTE fair.
Provided to The Dispatch

Career and Technical Education is available to students in grades 7-12 in Eatonville School District. CTE consists of classes where students learn skills they can apply in the work world. A student taking a CTE class can take courses ranging from farm management to computer science courses to culinary arts and many courses in between. CTE courses teach to industry standards, so students will be able to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom to the real-world. CTE classes help students prepare for the future by learning valuable skills to make them more employable.

CTE courses at the middle school level help students explore many areas of interest and help them to discover what classes they would like to take at the high school. Career and Technical Education classes at the high school allow students to dive deeper into areas they are interested in. At the high school level students are able to obtain free college credits and industry certifications by taking CTE classes. By taking CTE courses students gain valuable lifelong skills that will help them for many years to come.

A large crowd of parents, visitors and the School Board was treated to a showcase of Career and Technical Education displays and demonstrations from the high school, middle school and GRITS programs at the school board work study. Teachers and students were on hand to share and answer questions.

This interactive event was organized by Kelly Powell, CTE director following her power point presentation. She also highlighted the expansion of the program next year with additional opportunities for students at all levels. Powell gave a shout out to Allison Burslem who secured $9,200 for Project Lead the Way at CCA which means it is at all schools now.


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