Deb Krishnadasan was appointed to the 26th Legislative District Senate seat on Wednesday, Dec. 11, to complete the term of Senator Emily Randall (D-Bremerton), during a joint special meeting of the Pierce County Council and Kitsap County Board of Commissioners. Randall resigned her seat on Sunday, Dec. 8, to assume her new role as U.S. Representative for Washington's 6th Congressional District.
Krishnadasan served as an elected official on the Peninsula school board for six years. In addition, she has worked as a volunteer in education for the past 15 years.
“Senator Krishnadasan has a proven track record of bringing people together and delivering results for her community. Her ability to build coalitions and work across political lines will be instrumental as she steps into this role,” said Katie Walters, Chair of the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners.
The 26th Legislative District encompasses parts of both Pierce and Kitsap counties, which made this a joint appointment effort between the two counties. Each body had a total of three votes, which meant that each of the seven members of the Pierce County Council had a 3/7 vote.
Per state law, the 26th Legislative District Democrats nominated three qualified candidates to fill the vacancy, with the legislative authorities of Pierce and Kitsap counties jointly making the final appointment from the three candidates.
Krishnadasan will hold the seat until they or their successor is elected at the next general election.
“The 26th District Senate seat plays a critical role in representing our residents in Olympia. I am honored to be part of this historic appointment opportunity and am grateful to all of the candidates who stepped forward to ensure that the voices of our communities will continue to be heard at the state level,” said Robyn Denson, Pierce County Councilmember for District 7 which includes Gig Harbor and the Key Peninsula.
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