Eatonville School District end-of-year updates

Jay Brower.

Jay Brower.
Provided to The Dispatch

As we reach the end of another successful school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on our collective achievements and express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone in our Eatonville School District community. This year has been a testament to what we can accomplish together, and I am proud to share several key highlights.

Completion of the Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan, which will guide our educational decisions over the next five years, has been completed thanks to the tireless efforts and invaluable input of our staff members, community members, students, and parents. This comprehensive plan truly reflects the values and priorities of our Eatonville School District family. Your dedication ensures that our strategic direction aligns with the needs and aspirations of our entire community, and I am deeply grateful for your contributions.

Successful Passage of School Funding Measures

I am thrilled to report that, with your overwhelming support, we have successfully passed crucial school funding measures. These measures will provide the imperative funding necessary to continue offering valuable educational programs and opportunities for all Eatonville students, both during the school day and in extracurricular activities. Your trust in our vision and commitment to our students' futures is profoundly appreciated.

Building Fruitful Partnerships

This year, we have strengthened our partnerships with local businesses, community leaders, community service organizations, and local and regional government. We have also received generous support from Washington State through grants. These collaborations have created a robust network that supports our schools and enhances the educational experience of our students. These partnerships have brought additional resources and opportunities, preparing our students for future success both academically and in the workforce. The dedication of our community leaders and the support from various organizations have been instrumental in building a stronger educational environment for our students.

Addressing Student Transportation Challenges

Transportation is a vital aspect of our students' daily lives, and we faced significant challenges in ensuring safe and reliable transportation for all. Through the collaborative efforts of our transportation department, staff, and community members, we have successfully addressed and resolved many of these issues. Your patience, feedback, and support have been instrumental in overcoming these challenges.

Engaging Community Forums

We have held several community forums this year to gather feedback and address key issues such as student transportation, school funding measures, civility, and the implementation of Capital Project facility priorities. The active participation and valuable insights provided by parents, staff, and community members during these forums have been crucial in shaping our policies and initiatives. Your engagement ensures that we continue to move forward in a manner that best serves our students and community.

Recent Demonstration of Heart Challenge

The Kids Heart Challenge event was a tremendous success across participating schools, showcasing the commitment of our students to support children with heart issues and challenges. With a total of 252 students registered online, numerous families engaged in learning Hands-Only CPR, and a combined fundraising effort resulting in $14,280 raised, this initiative made a significant impact in promoting heart health and saving lives. Eatonville School District notably set a new record, being the first district in all of Western Washington to have all elementary schools participate in the challenge.

WES: 55 students registered online, 8 families learned Hands-Only CPR, and $3,643 was raised to help save lives!

EES: 133 students registered online, 29 families learned Hands-Only CPR, and $7,114 was raised to help save lives, setting a new record at Eatonville Elementary!

CCA: 64 students registered online, 24 families learned Hands-Only CPR, and $3,523 was raised to help save lives!

Our students’ dedication to this cause is truly inspiring, and their efforts have made a tangible difference in the lives of many children and families.

Looking Ahead

As we look forward to the next school year, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We remain committed to fostering an environment where every student is known, valued, and supported. With the continued support of our dedicated staff, engaged parents, and supportive community, I am confident that we will achieve even greater success in the years to come.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and commitment to the Eatonville School District. Together, we are building a brighter future for our students. Wishing you a wonderful summer! 


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