Eatonville Cruiser girls soccer earns draw, win

Eatonville's Linnea Lofgren controls the ball in the match against Foss. Lofgren would go on to score a hat trick in the match to help lead the Cruisers to an 8-0 win.

Eatonville's Linnea Lofgren controls the ball in the match against Foss. Lofgren would go on to score a hat trick in the match to help lead the Cruisers to an 8-0 win.
Courtesy Heather Quirie

The Eatonville Cruiser girls soccer team put together a strong week, securing a 0-0 draw at home against Steilacoom on Tuesday and an 8-0 victory on the road against Foss on Wednesday. Last week's results bring the team's overall record to 5-2-2 and their league record to 4-2-1, placing them in 4th place in 2A SPSL league play.

Tuesday’s match against Steilacoom was a defensive battle. 

“It was a hard-fought 0-0 draw,” head coach Max Van Eaton said. 

Eatonville goalkeeper Tierney Amaral was a standout, making key saves and keeping the defense organized throughout the match.

The following night, the Cruisers delivered an offensive showcase against Foss, jumping to a 3-0 halftime lead and ultimately winning 8-0. Linnea Lofgren led the charge with three goals, while Mary Van Eaton added two goals and an assist. Lilly Lightfoot also scored twice, and Haley Courson contributed a goal and an assist.

“Our pressing high up the pitch really created most of our chances,” said Van Eaton. “That’s why there aren’t many assists, but the team’s effort was outstanding.”

Amaral earned her fifth clean sheet of the season against Foss, as Eatonville’s defense remained rock solid, posting back-to-back shutouts over the two matches.

The Cruisers will play two more matches this week. They will host the first-place Fife Trojans on Tuesday, Oct. 15, before finishing out the week on the road against the Washington Patriots on Thursday, Oct. 17.


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