And baby makes 17

A wobbly-legged baby bison was born April 28 at Northwest Trek, becoming the 17th bison at the Eatonville-area wildlife park. There's also a new lamb GÇô born May 6 GÇô in Trek's herd of bighorn sheep, bringing that group to 26. Spring is "baby seasonGÇ¥ at Trek, which "is always enjoyable because there's the anticipation of something new each day,GÇ¥ said Dave Meadows, animal keeper for the free-roaming area where Northwest wildlife lives. "It's also fun to watch the little ones show off their innocence while they grow and learn from their mothers. It isn't easy to track pregnancies among the animals that roam the 435 acres of forests and meadows, but "I expect more lambs in May, and another bison calf is possible in the next month or two,GÇ¥ Meadows said.


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