Bud would have liked work on trail project

The family of Bud Blancher would like to thank all-áthe volunteers, including those who donated gravel and equipment,-áwho helped make the trail from the end of the Eatonville airport runway to the school a reality on Sept. 8,-áthe 9/11 National Day of Remembrance.-á It was a lot of hard work work and hopefully will just be the beginning of the trail all the way to Pack Forest that is in the works to be completed next year.
Bud was an avid bicyclist who lived at the airport and was one of the people who-áleft some money in his estate for this project.-á He would be very happy to finally see it becoming a reality.-á We'll be watching.
Judy Willmott
(Judy Willmott is a sister of Bud Blancher)


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