You can be one of the people doing the tossing when the Nisqually Stream Stewards' first public salmon carcass tossing of the season is held this Saturday in Eatonville at Smnallwood Park. Volunteers are needed for the event. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., dead salmon will be hurled into nearby streams to provide a food source for juvenile salmon and other species throughout the watershed. Registration and information are available from Don Perry, a Stream Stewards coordinator, at (360) 438-8687 (extension 2143) and In the coming months, Stream Stewards plans to toss 3,000 carcasses, come from Nisqually tribal hatcheries. When salmon return to their native streams and die, the marine nutrients they brought with them are eaten by organisms ranging from insects to bears. They're also absorbed by plants. Where salmon carcasses are plentiful, juvenile salmon grow bigger by feeding on them and the increased abundance of stream insects, officials said.
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