Toss a carcass, help a salmon

One of Nisqually Stream Stewards’ annual salmon carcass-tossings – an event aimed at helping preserve salmon in the Nisqually watershed – is scheduled for Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Eatonville.
Volunteers will meet and then drive to three or four sites where they will pitch dead salmon – once considered waste – into streams to serve as food in the aquatic ecosystem, “benefitting many species and hopefully the next generation of our threatened steelhead and chinook salmon,” said Morgan Greene, program coordinator for the Nisqually River Council.
Gloves will be provided for the “stinky, slimy” activity, Greene said.
RSVPs to receive directions to the meeting spot can be e-mailed to Greene at, or she can be telephoned at 360-438-8715 for additional information.
The river council is a non-government organization involved in environmental issues.


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