Shooter and hostage situations simulated

Students and teachers from Eatonville Middle School, along with emergency personnel from police and fire agencies, will simulate "active shooterGÇ¥ scenarios during a drill Tuesday. The scenarios, scheduled to begin at about 8:15 a.m., include a suspected gunman in the school and another on a school bus. The exercise, funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, wasn't widely publicized in advance because officials asked for the news media's cooperation in making the drill as realistic as possible by withholding information on the exact date of the drill. Information was distributed to news outlets, with a request to delay news accounts until the day of the drill. The Dispatch accepted the request. Eatonville School District officials held a parent meeting to discuss the drill and notified parents by phone last weekend and again on Tuesday night about the drill. Parents were given the option of holding their children out of the drill. The district worked with the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, the county Sheriff Department and the Eatonville Police Department over the past year to train students on school evacuation and lockdown procedures; threat assessments; and how to survive shootings at school.


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