Reichert joins GOP lawmakers urging Trump to meet with China

Reichert joins GOP lawmakers urging Trump to meet with China

Reichert joins GOP lawmakers urging Trump to meet with China

Rep. Dave Reichert joined 20 Republican House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee colleagues in a letter to President Trump last week, urging him to meet directly with Chinese President Xi Jinping on trade issues.

In the letter — delivered by Reichert, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Committee Republicans prior to their meeting with the president at the White House on agriculture — the group encourages the meeting, “to begin crafting an historic new solution on trade that levels the playing field between China and the United States for U.S. farmers, workers, and businesses.”

“We are confident that if you personally engage with President Xi, you would reinvigorate the negotiations and develop meaningful solutions that will establish free, fair, and lasting trade between the United States and China and improve the competitiveness of U.S. companies,” the letter reads.

The letter goes on to state its agreement with the administration that China “engages in a wide range of unfair and distortive trade practices.”

“We are confident that you have China’s attention on these issues and that you have the ability to negotiate an ambitious and enforceable agreement,” it says.

Reichert, now in his seventh term in Congress, is retiring after this session. For more information, or to read the full letter, visit


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