Charles Martin Hotes Sr. September 10, 1927 - August 31, 2018

Charles Martin Hotes Sr. September 10, 1927 - August 31, 2018

Charles Martin Hotes Sr. September 10, 1927 - August 31, 2018

Charles Martin Hotes Sr., a Great Man from the Greatest Generation. Born on Sept 10 1927, and sadly on August 31, 2018,  as he was watched over by the people who dearly loved him, our Dad passed away in a gentle peaceful manner. 

His family settled on a 120 acre farm in Alder that is now Lake Alder.  He graduated from Eatonville High School in 1943. The Hotes family name still adorns The Hotes Masonic Temple in Eatonville.

Soon thereafter CM joined the Merchant Marines. They awarded him a engineering scholarship to the UW at 17 years old. He played guard for one year of basketball under the great coach Hec Edmundson in 1944. After one year he was called to active duty. In uniform he enjoyed his first adult beverage, a Singapore Sling, and he always smiled when he recalled that experience. He served 2 tours of duty in the MM, then left to join the Army and was also tasked as a volunteer engineer for the Air Force.  

CM Hotes had many great engineering accomplishments in his years. Locally the Space Needle revolving restaurant was his idea, hatched while having a drink at the Carousel Bar in New Orleans in 1958 when the Space Needle was proposed. He made the pitch for the design and engineering contract for the Space Needle to have a revolving restaurant and won it.

He was one of the greatest hydraulic engineers in the world. Forbidden by the CIA to discuss his achievement, CM Hotes devised a way to successfully recover, intact, a sunken Russian Submarine for Howard Hughes and The CIA on board the Glomar Explorer in 1972. Known as “Project Jennifer”, Dad pulled from the seafloor INTACT the 18,000 ton sub from a depth of 18,000 feet, a feat never equaled.

He loved CM Russel artwork. He was fascinated by explorer Jedidiah Smith and he was admired by his co-workers at Western Gear Corp where he retired as President.

CM Hotes is survived by his wife Grace and 4 children Richard, Scott, C. Martin Hotes Jr. and Daniel.

He was a lover of life and the leaf of the Lotus. He was our Dad, good ole Charlie Hotes.

The Greatest Generation loses another one. God Speed Dad, we all love you. The Sol Duck River in Forks is now calling your name.


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