Bearcat Beat/It's the Little Things

By Kailee Billerbeck, Contributing Writer

Monroe High School always has a deluging amount of intriguing news. Clubs and students are constantly finding new means to better not only the school, but also the community. The happenings at MHS are vital to the foundation of the school and exemplify new ways in which the youth of today are shaping, not only the now, but tomorrow, as well and must therefore be shared.
At the beginning of the year, the MHS Associated Student Body (ASB) constructed a theme which they will use as a focal point for the year, intertwining everything they do with the theme It's the Little Things. The club wants to find ways to serve others in order for them to reach self-actualization. With this in mind, ASB has been coordinating and planning for their most busy time of the year GÇô Homecoming Week. As a team, ASB puts on around six different events just in that week including Homecoming Pep Assembly, Homecoming Coronation, a halftime show the for Homecoming game, Bearcat Fair, Powder Puff, and the dance itself.

There is also a committee of four girls who are working on the Veteran's Day Assembly where they honor those who have served for our country, so if you or anyone you know has served please send pictures and information pertaining to their service to!
An important rule, again enveloping the idea of It's the Little Things, that the ASB has adopted, is for everyone is to wear spirit gear every Friday. It is little actions like this that exemplify Monroe spirit and integrate a feeling of unity into the student body and surrounding community.
In conjunction with this, a student at Monroe High School took it upon him/herself to counteract a negative social media page made to release gossip to its followers. Instead, an anonymous pupil decided to create the famous MHS Positive Page. This page clearly demonstrates the power of little things. All it took was one person making a page, antithetical to the negative page, to change the environment at the school.
The gossip page was later deleted, following the formation of the positive page. This page allows people to send in positive notes that can be shared openly or anonymously with all who follow the account on Twitter.
Kaylee Boone, a junior at MHS noted, "I think the MHS Positive Page has united our school and has definitely had a positive impact. Everyone has been more kind to each other! I was excited to see how quickly everyone joined in, and I love seeing all of the compliments people give one another!GÇ¥
Standing up for what is right and going against the norm truly pays off, as exemplified at MHS.
Selfless attitudes have also been exemplified through the DECA program at the high school. On Saturday, Sept. 27, several students from the club went to the YMCA early in the morning to help special needs kids and teens play basketball through the S.K.I.P. program. After helping with the kids, Megan Rich, a DECA officer, said, "It felt so good to help them do something they love and see their faces light up. I couldn't stop smiling the entire time!GÇ¥
Helping others is always rewarding. To get more information about volunteering for the S.K.I.P. program at the Monroe YMCA, contact Nicole Reams, the Special Needs Coordinator.
On Sept. 26 at the football game, four students were recognized for their exceptional scores on the PSAT test. Cassie Engvall, Jessica Matyas, and Amber Van Brunt were recognized as Commended Scholars for the National Merit Scholarship. In addition, Elizabeth Taggart and Sam Burke were acknowledged as Semifinalists in for the National Merit Scholar.
Taggert recounted her initial reaction upon finding out she, along with Burke, was a semifinalist, "I was definitely excited! I think it will assist me in getting into college and will help with scholarships, as well. I was also relieved because I've been worrying about getting into and paying for college!GÇ¥
Hard work definitely pays off. The semifinalists were to have earned a score of 219 out of 240 or better on the PSAT of their junior year. Congratulations to these exceptional students. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve such an award!
Monroe High School is full of exceptional students doing exceptional things. It isn't always easy to plan large events, have a selfless attitude, or allot free time to academics, but it is actions such as these that can make life rich. Step outside of your comfort zone. Dare to be different and do what you deem as right. Set goals and enjoy the journey on your way to achieving them.


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