Bearcat varsity pitcher signs letter of intent with CWU


Monroe High School senior and varsity pitcher Jared Cogar has signed his letter of intent to play baseball for Central Washington University in fall 2016.

The Bearcat senior visited the campus several times with his parents, Staci and Mike Cogar, deciding its team and criminal justice program were a good fit. Cogar wants to be a fish and wildlife warden.

"I like Ellensburg ' it has good fishing and hunting areas, which I am passionate about. I like river fishing for salmon,GÇ¥ he said.

Cogar has played baseball several years for Monroe, as well as on a select team.

"We have really supportive teachers at Monroe,GÇ¥ he said. "If our baseball team had more kids on it, that would be great, but I like our coaches. They are good guys.GÇ¥

 Photo courtesy of Catherine Martin/MPS With his parents Mike and Staci at his side, MHS senior and varsity baseball pitcher Jared Cogar signs his letter of intent to play baseball at Central Washington University.


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