Flashback: Monroe grade school teachers

This photo, taken on the step of Central School, is from approximately l930. It has notes on the back and names on the front. On the back: These were teachers during my Grade School Days. Miller lived with us'Austin taught 3rd grade. Both Hart & Tooker was 1st grade; Richards'4th'Willis George 8th. Larson'Gymnasium'late Pr[incipal]; Huff 6th changed to 7. I never had others as a teacher of Mr. Hottell "83. From the front, the identities appear to be: Standing, from left: Miller, Willis George, Rogers, Tooker, Terpanning(?), [Bess] Austin. Sitting, from left: Williams, Gladys Larson, Huff, Chapin, Margaret [Peggy] Anderson Young, ? Garrett, Lu, Chapin, and Konman(?). School picture of friends of Estelle and Mabel Kiefer was written on the back of a copy. The Kiefers were also teachers. Monroe Historical Society Photo 960. If you know more about this picture, please contact the Monroe Historical Society at (360) 217-7223.


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