Focus on Seniors: Snohomish County Council on Aging call for citizen members

By Holly Glen Gearhart, Contributing Writer
The Snohomish Council on Aging is looking for new members for an advisory committee that will convene in January. The advisory board is to be made up of citizens who will agree to serve a three-year term that advises the county on distribution of the monies set aside to benefit senior citizens and the disabled.
It is felt by the council that the citizenry is best served when the needs of the community are brought to the table by way of personal experiences. The volunteer members will set up subcommittees to review and advise on the issues of their communities in legislative, finance, allocation and evaluations, mental wellness and senior centers, as well as a disabilities committee.
The opportunity offers a chance for people from all walks of life to effect change regardless of education, job or income status. The county wishes to attract activists, planners and anyone who wants to bring ideas to the county's awareness.
The COA meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 a.m. to noon, with no meeting in December. The council asks that applicants be certain that they can devote the time to the monthly meetings. All meetings are held during working hours. In addition to the monthly meeting, members who serve on subcommittees must be able to devote time and effort to their committee needs.
The Long Term Care and Aging Office counts on the advisory board as representatives of the community. The board will influence planning and funding programs and legislative matters, and will monitor funded programs for quality and service.
The 30-member COA committee is looking for diversity and is actively seeking senior citizens and people with disabilities to get involved. To apply, file an application by Sept. 20, 2013 with Snohomish County Long Term Care and Aging Office.
Applications are available from Joyce Frasu, (425) 388-7377, You may also check the county website for more information on extensive duties and meeting times and places at


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