Great students of the Month

Great Turk!
Amberly Khamsaly, a senior at Sultan High School, is a Great Turk!
With a grade point average of 3.87, Khamsaly has kept busy throughout her high school career. Currently she is president of the Pep Club, President of the National Honor Society, the ASB Vice-President, in on Link Crew and is captain of Track and Field.
Outside school, she is on the East Youth Council and the Youth Action Team, as well as a Rotary Club Student of the Month.
"My plan for the future is to attend college and receive my bachelor's degree,GÇ¥ she said. "I am hoping that college will give me a greater chance to experience and learn what is out there in life, and hopefully it will direct me to what I truly want to do in my life.GÇ¥
She hopes to attend Western Washington University in Bellingham. Although she isn't sure what she wants to do, she is considering event planning as a career, and is interested in studying communication and marketing.

Great Bearcat!
Hunter Bingham, a senior at Monroe High School, is a Great Bearcat!
The three-sport athlete who plays football, basketball and baseball, has a 3.98 grade point average and holds the school records for most varsity starts, most minutes played and most innings played.
But not only that, he's a hero at home.
His little brother has Type 1 diabetes, which requires careful monitoring of his insulin levels, and Hunter helps a lot, said his dad, Peter Bingham of Monroe Door and Millwork.
"I make sure his levels are good, make sure he eats his food and make sure he doesn't get too low,GÇ¥ said Hunter.
Currently, Hunter thinks he might like to be an engineer.
"I'm not really sure what specific engineering field,GÇ¥ he said. "I was looking into the biomedical field, maybe biomedical engineering, with my brother being sick, to, like, develop an artificial pancreas, to see if that would even be possible.GÇ¥
San Francisco State is recruiting him, and Gonzaga is offering a scholarship. Hunter just knows he wants to play baseball wherever he winds up, he said.


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