Lending a hand | Local volunteer opportunities

Residents of Monroe and the Greater Sky Valley area are known for being civic-minded. From volunteering at local nonprofits to sprucing up parks and other public areas, there is typically no shortage of volunteers willing to help get things accomplished.

There are also no shortages of human service agencies and community initiatives that rely on volunteers to continue providing services to the community.

Whether you're a high school student looking to amass some volunteer hours or simply a resident looking for a way to support your community, there are a plethora of volunteer opportunities available.-á

Take the Next Step GÇô Monroe-á

Take the Next Step (TTNS, 202 S. Sams St.) is a faith-based, nonprofit agency that serves homeless and low-income individuals with an after-school program called Kidz Club, a community drop-in center, community dinners, programming for teen moms, life skills classes and a cold-weather shelter.-á

TTNS strives to support individuals as they overcome whatever obstacles they face. Whether it's addiction, homelessness or unstable home lives, the organization works to facilitate client success and independence.-á

For more information, visit www.facebook.com/TheNextStepMonroe. To learn about volunteer opportunities at TTNS, email Sarah Lunstrum at Sarah@TTNS.ORG.-á

Sky Valley Food Bank GÇô Monroe-á

The Sky Valley Food Bank (233 Sky River Pkwy.) serves residents of the Monroe community who live within the Monroe School District.-á

In 2014, the Sky Valley Food Bank distributed a total of 775,400 pounds of food, provided more than 600 backpacks filled with school supplies to local students, provided supplemental weekend food to nearly 100 kids and provided Christmas toys to 650 children.-á

The food bank's workforce is primarily made up of volunteers, whose responsibilities include helping to distribute food, office work, warehouse work and more.-á

For more information, visit www.svfoodbank.org/volunteer, or email endhunger@svfoodbank.org.-á

The Volunteers of America Western Washington Sky Valley Services Center GÇô Sultan-á

Located near downtown Sultan, the VOA (701 First St.) offers a multitude of ways to give back. The VOA is a multi-faceted, nonprofit agency dedicated to serving children, vulnerable individuals, vulnerable families, individuals with disabilities and seniors.-á

Volunteer opportunities exist at the food bank, the Sky Valley Senior Center lunch program, the monthly community date-night dinner events, the Kids Caf+¬ Summer Lunch program, Safe Stop and more.-á

For more information, please contact Director Calei Vaughn at 360-793-2400, or cvaughn@voaww.org or www.voaww.org/Get-Help/Skykomish-Valley-Services/Sky-Valley-Service-Overview.-á

Sultan Community Task Force

The Sultan Community Task force meets every Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Sultan City Hall (319 Main St.). Dedicated to cleaning Sultan's streets, parks and public areas, the task force is always looking for members of the community to become more involved.-á

Additionally, a youth task force has been initiated to help serve local at-risk youth. The youth task force emphasizes mentorship opportunities between community members and local youth to give support and guidance.-á

For more information, contact Calei Vaughn at cvaughn@voaww.org. -á

H3 Horses Healing Heroes GÇô Monroe

A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries, H3 President Arleen Gibson uses a method of therapy known as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy to help facilitate healing.-á

Situated on 50-acres in between Monroe and Sultan, H3 provides volunteer opportunities for people who enjoy horses and working outside.-á

For more information, visit its Facebook page www.facebook.com/h3horseshealingheroes.-á

Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County GÇô Monroe and Sultan

The Boys & Girls Clubs in both Monroe and Sultan offer a multitude of services designed to keep kids healthy, happy and socially engaged.-á

The organization's mission is to "enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.GÇ¥ Volunteers are always needed to help organize and coordinate sports, activities and other youth-related programs.-á

To find out about volunteer opportunities, contact volunteer@bgcsc.org. For more information, visit bgcsc.org/get-involved/volunteer.-á


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