Support local small businesses, families

Thanks to Chris Hendrickson for an excellent article about the closing of Albertson's and the impact on all of us in Monroe, directly and indirectly.This needed to be said and written about.

The obviously unsound decision by the Haggen higher-ups to take over way more stores than they could successfully operate has cost a lot of people their jobs,made a mockery of their loyalty to a company they worked at for many years, and has taken a toll on other businesses and humanity in Monroe.

The empty storefronts all over Monroe attest to the difficulty of small businesses competing with Amazon, Wal-Mart (even Wal-Mart is closing stores that can't compete with Amazon and the Internet) and the big chains.I personally choose to do as much business with independent stores as I can.These small business people matter to me, and their personal attention, and the dignity of their efforts to make a living by providing individual caring and a good product are important. Sometimes things may cost just a bit more, but overall it's a small price to pay to retain the soul of our community. For instance, how many of you know that Pharm-A-Save is independently owned by four of our community members and employ local people and price their products just as competitively as the chain pharmacies in town?

I miss Coast to Coast Hardware, Hallmark, Video Factory, The Monroe Caf+¬, Mills Music, The Flat Iron Gallery, Monroe Shoe Repair, and Chinook Lumber, just to mention a few of GÇïthe GÇïsmall businesses that gave our town personality and a feeling of family;GÇï they GÇïare gone now.

It's up to all of us to support small business and local families in any way we can in order to avoid the total domination and lifelessness and soullessness of the "big chain' environment.Here's hoping we take the time and the caring to do it.

Robert Van den Akker, Monroe

Food bank thanks Christmas helpers

Is there anything more touching than the joy in a child's eyes on Christmas morning? Thanks to our caring and generous community the Sky Valley Food Bank's "Hope for the HolidaysGÇ¥ program was able to provide nearly 600 children in need with a little Christmas wonder.-á

Thanks to the organization and guidance of volunteer Becky Grannan, the toy room elves sorted and filled shelves with age appropriate toys and games that were then distributed in the days before Christmas.

The family of Diane Wilton and all the good folks at Central Welding once again gathered cheer and filled stockings for a festive touch in Diane's memory.

Over all, the Sky Valley Food Bank gave out holiday meals to about 400 families in our 3 days of distribution. All of these efforts were made possible by the many businesses, schools and individuals that held food or toy drives as well as all the generous community members who donated.

We feel blessed to live a community that caresGǪthank you Monroe!

Neil Watkins, Sky Valley Food Bank, executive director


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