Millers thank community for support following house fire

Editor's Note: Marta and Wendell's South Lewis Street home burned down July 4, 2015. The community soon rallied to support them in their time of need. Marta Miller shares this letter of thanks.

Most nights it takes me a long time to fall asleep. It's like my head hits the pillow and my brain kicks into overdrive.

Tonight while scrolling Facebook, I stumbled upon the fundraising site that was set up for our family immediately after our house fire this past July. I haven't looked at that page for months... But tonight I read the comments and well wishes again from so many people, many we do not even know.

And to say I am still overwhelmed at the amount of love and support we received would be an understatement.-á

To lose your home, your memorabilia, items you worked so hard for ' It is a loss I would not wish on anyone else. I am beyond thankful that none of us were physically hurt ' not one person had a mark.And I thank God every day for His protection.

There are still times that I sit and see the huge picnic basket of toiletries that one Facebook group brought us in the hotel.And I remember how in the moment, we were so thankful to have a razor, perfume, Advil, a bar of soap, but at the same time struggling with the fact that we actually had to be on the receiving end this time.

The Monroe community has been our home for over 16 years now. We have learned that Main Street is really only 25 mph, and that the train crossing at Kelsey and Highway 2 is usually going down when we need to get the kids to school and are late.We've seen the growth of the community as more and more move from the south Puget Sound. We've seen incredible improvements in the schools and downtown and, well, should I say it? The smokestack. Love it or hate it, it's part of the city.

More than anything though, over the years, we have come to know the people. The police force who pulls you over for not wearing a seat belt, but also walks through your home with you after the kids left the door open, just to make sure it's safe. We've come to know pastors who love and care not only for their congregations but for their fellow Monroe citizens. We've come to know principals and teachers who, in spite of scores on a test, still give everything they have to help kids learn.We've met business owners who care more about customer service than the almighty dollar. We've met firefighters who run to you and ask what in your burning house do you want the most ' and run in and get it.-á

Maybe we haven't met you personally. Maybe we've only seen you in line at the movies, or in the car next to us trying to make it home during fair traffic. Or maybe we've seen you at Lake Tye on a sunny day, or maybe at our favorite Mexican restaurant enjoying chips and salsa.-á

Wherever that may have been, we say thank you. Thank you Monroe for caring enough about your fellow man to walk alongside us for the past 11 months. Seeing us at the grocery store and asking how we are, donating to the fundraisers, donating games and clothes and toys or delicious meals ' you are those who helped sustain and encourage us.-á

As we move back home, we will not take for granted the love that has been shown to us. Thank you for being a part of a community that goes above and beyond to make sure everyone is taken care of.-á

Our prayer is that you will be richly blessed, just as you have richly blessed us.-á

We are so happy to be home!


The Millers

Photo courtesy of Marta Miller Marta and Wendell Miller with their three children, Naomi Joy, Ava Simone and Isabelle Grace. The Millers has been living in Snohomish while waiting for their house to be rebuilt.


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