"Mushroaming' teaches skills to properly hunt wild mushrooms


Often considered a delicacy, mushrooms can frequently be found in salads, pasta dishes and on pizzas. Mushroom aficionado Daniel Winkler will be at the Monroe Library this week, explaining how to find them in the great outdoors.

'Mushroaming' with Daniel Winkler takes place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Monroe Library, 1070 Village Way. The event will include information about edible mushrooms that can be found in the Pacific Northwest, including photos and information to help gatherers learn to distinguish between mushrooms that are safe to eat and toxic ones. Winkler will divulge information about his favorite mushroom-hunting hideaways, including the best time to find them and the best ways to prepare them. -á -á

Winkler will show photos and share stories from his research in ethnomycology ' the study of edible and medicinal fungi. His research has zeroed in on ethnomycology in Tibet, where he has studied mushrooms extensively for more than 20 years.

His other "mushroamingGÇ¥ adventures have taken him to the Amazon, Colombia and the European Alps.

The event is being funded by the Friends of the Monroe Library. For more information on Winkler, visit mushroaming.com. For more information on the event, visit http://www.sno-isle.org/locations/monroe.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler Mushroom expert Daniel Winkler, who grew up in Munich, Bavaria, started hunting mushrooms with his family when he was just three years old.


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