PUD switching meter readings to monthly

Following a new monthly billing system implemented by the Snohomish County Public Utility District last September that upset customers who were being charged based on estimated electricity usage, PUD commissioners have approved moving to monthly meter readings.

"While bill estimates have worked for most of our customers, we understand that for some of our customers estimated bills have created hardships,GÇ¥ said PUD CEO/General Manager Craig Collar in a news release. "We've heard them and are responding with more frequent meter readings. As a customer-owned, public utility, we want to be responsive to the needs of our customers and work to provide resources that help them.GÇ¥

The PUD has been reading meters once every two months, and transitioning to monthly readings is expected to take hiring or contracting for more staff, purchasing more equipment and vehicles and updating meter reading and billing systems, according to a news release. This is all expected to be completed this fall.


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