Ringing in the new year

New Year's Eve was a time of celebration in the Sky Valley, and at the Volunteers of America's (VOA) East Coast New Year's event in Sultan, a great time was had by all who attended.
The event was held at the Sky Valley Senior Center (617 First St.), on Wednesday, Dec. 31, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The family-friendly get-together was convenient for senior citizens who preferred not to stay out too late, as well as for parents who were able to bring their kids along to the party.
Just before 9 p.m., guests cheered and counted down as they watched the famous Times Square New Year's Eve ball descend from its perch on top of the flagpole. After the ball dropped, there was a sparkling cider toast.
The event was coordinated by the VOA's new kitchen coordinator, Ann Marie Bunch, and Chef Don Langhans, who volunteers at the senior center four days a week. Fresh, made-from-scratch hors d'oeuvres were on hand for the event.NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS
While there, the Monroe Monitor checked in with a few of the guests to find out about their New Year's resolutions.
Longtime Sultan residents Marlene and Charles "OleGÇ¥ Carlson are looking forward to another year of togetherness. Still practically newlyweds, Ole was 83 and Marlene was 75 when they got married in 2013. On Jan. 26, the happy, adventurous couple will celebrate their second wedding anniversary.

Ole had a difficult time pinpointing a specific resolution, other than losing a bit of weight in time for a wedding that he and Marlene will attend in August.
"Life is so good already, you know what, it really is,GÇ¥ Ole said. "Life has been good.GÇ¥
Marlene's resolution was simple: "Have fun!GÇ¥
Since being married, Ole and Marlene have enjoyed things like zip-lining, whitewater river rafting and taking vacations together. They recently returned from a trip to Florida and eventually, would like to travel to Europe, rent a car and just drive.
Both Ole and Marlene spend time volunteering at the Sky Valley Senior Center. Ole also volunteers at the Sultan Visitor's Center, which is across the street from Sultan City Hall. It was at the Sultan Visitor's Center that Ole first asked Marlene out on a date, and it was also at the Sultan Visitor's Center that the two became husband and wife.
Donna Murphy, the city of Sultan's grants and economic development coordinator, is looking forward to transitioning to part-time employment in 2015. She said that in her spare time, she hopes to get more exercise.
"I want to get back in shape; do more hikes,GÇ¥ Murphy said.
Sultan resident Doreen Hrabovsky is planning on continuing to enjoy good health by staying positive and grateful.
"That's why I got to the age of 80 still healthy and happy,GÇ¥ she said.
Hrabovsky, who lives in Sultan, was one of the founding members of the Sky Valley Senior Center, along with Bonita Aadland, Carolyn Eslick and former VOA Director Dave Wood.
Penny Coleman, 76, said she plans to spend 2015 teaching people how to be the best humans they can be. The former research scientist teaches her multi-faceted life-skills curriculum out of her home, and enjoys helping people become more at peace with themselves and those around them.
Clarice Montgomery, who attended the East Coast New Year's event with friend Jim Bruce, enjoyed the family aspect of the event. Both Montgomery and Bruce are regular volunteers at the senior center.
Changes for the center
The Sky Valley Senior Center, which is jointly operated by the VOA and a core group of volunteers, has a few New Year's resolutions of its own. In 2015, Kitchen Coordinator Bunch hopes to broaden the center's scope to be more of a community center, rather than just a senior center. She hopes to attract community members of all ages to its Monday through Thursday lunch service, as well as its monthly pancake breakfast which is held on the first Saturday of every month.
Bunch and Langhans also look forward to implementing a new community dinner program, which will take place on a monthly basis. The two are looking forward to bringing a fine-dining experience to the Sky Valley community at an affordable price.
Additionally, they are incorporating a new lunch delivery service, through which lunch orders that meet a minimum quantity will be eligible for free delivery in certain areas.
For more information about the center, contact the VOA at 360-793-2400, and visit its Facebook page at: http://on.fb.me/1tBFYsf.
Caption(older couple): Ole and Marlene Carlson rang in the new year at the Sky Valley Senior Center. Photo by Chris Hendrickson
Caption (other couple): VOA Kitchen Coordinator Ann Marie Bunch and volunteer Chef Don Langhans have New Year's resolutions to enhance the senior center. Photo by Chris Hendrickson


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