Sky Valley Chamber Auction this weekend

The Sky Valley Chamber Auction is coming up this weekend, and how Dr. Brian Copple and his wife, Debbie, will top last year's performance as Klingons is anybody's guess.
The event takes place 5 p.m. Saturday, March 26, at Camp Huston in Gold Bar, and will include dinner, silent and live auctions, raffles, a dessert auction and a costume contest. This year's theme is "25th Silver Anniversary Celebration,GÇ¥ and guests are invited to tailor their costumes in a way that embraces the theme. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the Visitors Information Center in Sultan for $35 each or $260 for a table of eight, and will be available at the door for $40 each.
The costume contest portion of the event is meant to liven things up and make fundraising fun, Debbie said. Debbie serves as the chamber director while Brian serves as board president. The two hosted the event while dressed in Klingon garb last year.
But they didn't just dress up as two members of the iconic alien species from Star Trek. Brian decided to take the authentic approach and deliver his entire speech in Klingon. He spent hours watching Star Trek movies to perfect the dialect.
The Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce is not supported with tax dollars, making the auction crucial to ensuring chamber operations continue. Funds raised during the event will help sustain chamber efforts to support local businesses and will keep the lights on at the Sultan Visitor Information Center (VIC).
This year's auction will feature many Sky Valley-themed items, including an original painting by muralist David Hose, a four-day Cascade Loop river rafting adventure, a fire department birthday celebration and several gift certificates to local restaurants.
For more information on the Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce, visit


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