Spring cleaning for pets

By Polly Keary, Editor
Spring is on the way, and it's a good time to spring clean for optimal pet care.
Here are some ways to prepare your house for a great spring and summer for your pet:
1. Spring in the Sky Valley is muddy! Get some synthetic, rubber backed mats for the door, pet doors, and under your pet's food dishes.
2. As weather warms, your pets will begin to shed their winter coats. Invest in a dog rake or other grooming brush to keep pet hair to a minimum. To get pet hair off the couch and other fabric surfaces such as blankets, wear a damp rubber glove and wipe your hand over the surface.
3. This is a good time to check to make sure toxic substances such as antifreeze and cleaning products are out of reach of your pets.
4. Next time you stop at the store, pick up a big jug of white vinegar. When your pet, especially puppies or kittens, make a mess on the carpet, pour vinegar on the spot and blot it dry. The pet won't return to the spot for the same purpose because of the vinegar smell.


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