Teen girl reports attempted abduction

Sunday at about 3:30 p.m. Monroe Police Officers responded to an attempted abduction in the 16900 block of Tester Road in Monroe.
The victim, a 16 year old female, told officers a male had approached her while she was walking home from school. She further stated the male had grabbed her arm and said "come with me.GÇ¥
The victim was able to free herself and ran to her residence and called police. She described the suspect as a 20-year-old white male, 6 feet tall, 210 pounds and brown shaggy hair that went down to his eye brows. He was wearing blue jeans and a V-neck black shirt with white writing. She last saw him running towards the roundabout on West Main Street. The victim was not injured.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Monroe Police Department at 360-794-6300. Anonymous information may be left on the Department's tip line at 360-863-4600.


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