Thanks, Dad! Sky Valley residents shout out to great fathers

The Monroe Monitor last week invited Facebook users to submit paragraphs telling why their fathers are great.

Here are their salutes to great Sky Valley dads.

Justin Johnson is a great dad!-á

Our dad is great because he spends times with us. He takes us dirt bike riding, gets us hot chocolate and makes really good oatmeal with apples in it. Every morning he gives us hugs and says "have a good day" when he leaves for work. We love our dad very much.

-by Sabella and Dakota Johnson

Ron Spahman is a great Dad!-á

My dad, Ron Spahman, is an awesome dad. He does tons of things for all of us. He works really hard and still comes to my volleyball games, and to both of my brothers' baseball and basketball games. He is really funny and we all have a great time together. I especially love going to the beach with him. Most of all he is a super great dad and I love him very much. Happy Father's Day Dad!

Love, Mackenna

Why My Dad Is Special

My Dad is the one who stands by my side with a lot of things. I love it when he takes the time off of work to take me fishing with me and he comes to visit me in the hospital. I especially love it when he holds my hand through rough times; when he does that, it makes me feel not so scared.

My dad loves me and I will always know that. People always tell me that when you become a teenager, you don't like your parents. But you can't let little things ruin the relationship with your parents. My dad helps me with one of the most important things, my annual toy drive. He always takes his time to help me with that, even when it's cold outside. When I get 100 percent on a test my dad is so happy. But I don't love my dad for all the stuff he does, or can the stuff he can buy me. I love my dad because of the big heart he has. That's why I love my dad.

-by Abbey Aney

The Gift of a Father-in-Law

My father-in-law, John, was the best wedding gift I got. I loved him the moment I laid eyes on him and he loved me right back. He was always thrilled to see us, he was generous to a fault and an endlessly interesting character. He ran a business and worked full time into his 90s. He came to live with us in Monroe at 92 when he finally needed help. One time I talked him into getting a pedicure which he loved but when he went back the second time without me, he picked lime green polish and then bought sandals to show off his toes. I still laugh at the thought. And miss him tremendously.

-Nancy Truitt Pierce

To My Dad on Father's Day

You are the first man I ever loved. You are my hero. Your arms were the first place I felt safe and protected. You bought me my first pony, and taught me how to ride. You believed I could do anything, and helped me along the way. I remember you would read a page I would read a page in every book to teach me how to read. I think you had my teachers' personal phone numbers to make sure I wasn't getting into trouble. Thank you for your time; seeing you at all my soccer games, horse shows, births of your grandchildren and at holiday dinners shows I'm a priority in your life. Most of all, thank you Dad for being you and no matter how old I am, I will always be your little girl!

Happy Father's Day.


Your daughter, Roxy Bleam

Rodolfo Chavez is a great Dad!-á

The first memories I have of my dad are watching him scoop up bugs with his newspaper and placing them outside to ensure their lives were spared from his two shrieking daughters. An average man would argue it is easier to simply squash the bug. But my dad understood that we don't have to know its purpose for it to have one. I do not believe that a more compassionate, gentle person has ever lived. He simply can not understand the need for hate, war, selfishness and greed. He lives by his own moral code that a regular man would find impossible.

His name is Rodolfo Chavez. He is my dad and my friend.

Happy Fathers Day! I love you!!

-Jessica Chavez

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,

I love you sooo much! I'm so happy I get to spend everyday with you. I love snuggin' and laughing with you. You are my best friend. Happy Father's Day!

Love,Violet Rose

4 years old

A tribute for Father's Day-á

Dear David,

Thank you for being my dad, and more importantly thank you for being such a wonderful grandfather to Chase. Thank you for marrying my mom and taking responsibility for her two teenagers. Thank you for learning on the job and for not giving up. I know the road has been difficult at times but I am very grateful for the journey with you. I hope you know just how much you mean to me and to my family. I am so glad I am your daughter. Happy Father's Day!!

Love Jen, Steve and Chase Sager

An awesome Father-in-Law

My father in-law is awesome and he is retiring this month from 30 + years in the city of Snohomish Fire Department. He is an awesome grandpa and awesome dad and over all an awesome person who has dedicated his life to public service.

-Lisa Kirk-Thomsen

It takes a real man to be a Dad

My dad (not biological) treated me as his own since I was six months old. When my biological father wanted nothing to do with me or my mom, my dad was there. I have three brothers. I never thought of them as my step- or half-brothers. They were family. Any guy can be a father...but it takes a real man to be a dad. I am so thankful to call him MY dad. I love him. I don't know where I would be today with out him.

-Aurora Aicholtz

Missing a great Dad

Daddy wasn't perfect, but he was ours. We lost him last April to a fight with cancer. Even then, he was one of the bravest men I know, giving his all to be ok and be here for us and Mom. He stayed as long as he could. Daddy always worked his heart out to provide for his wife and seven kids, yet was always the one there to teach us how to play and enjoy life as well. I am so proud to be his daughter and I miss him every day

-Christina Jones

My Dad is cool!-á

My dad's pretty darn cool. Hasn't done anything spectacular except be a great dad to me and a role model for others, whether they're my peers or his own coworkers. I was thinking about what I would say the other day at his funeral (no, he's not dead yet) and just the thought of it made me cry! He's a great and loving grand-dad to my kids too!

-Allison Mesa

Deanes are great Dads!-á

I think of a leader as someone who takes charge and makes things right. I think if my dad as a leader, he makes things right and tires his hardest and never gives up. Everyone can be a leader if they try their hardest.

-Makayla, Grade 5, from a class assignment on leadership, about dad Brian Deane.

Adrianna Deane added that her dad, David Deane, may forget things once in a while, but not often, she says, and he is just awesome.

Contributed by Kathleen Deane

Our Dad Wendell is a great Dad!

My dad is awesome because every time he gets us to piano lessons at the right time. He gives me money and he is always happy when he comes to pick us up. He's always there to support me when I get an award. My dad is cool, I like to play games and wrestle with him. My dad is really strong and he can lift up three boxes.

-Ava, age 7

My dad always has a smile on his face when he comes to pick us up. When I go to school I know that when I get home my dad will always congratulate me on the things I tell him I did. One time I tripped and fell and my dad came right away to help me up. My dad is special and unique and handsome and smart. He can figure out my friendship problems and he can help me learn new things that I've never brought up that I would like to learn. My dad is the most kind, smart handsome dad in the world.

-Isabelle, age 9

My Dad is a great Guy!-á

My dad has done so much for me. I can not begin to tell you how much. I don't really think he knows how much I appreciate and love him. In the last couple years I feel our relationship has gone to a different level. We have become closer as a family and that means so much to me.

I Love You, Dad.


Preston Tart is a Great Dad-á

I know that there are separate days for our mothers and fathers, but for me, I see them both together. Their marriage has lasted 58 years and is still going. He is the perfect gentleman, always holding the doors open for her, seats her at the table and always sees to her comforts. This is especially true this past month when my mother went through a major heart surgery.

Dad has always been a hardworking man, be it in the garden, fixing things around the house or putting in a full days work on the job. He is still working part-time in the office! However, nothing brings him more joy than helping out his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And even more, helping those in need.

I'm so grateful for his example in my life and in the lives of my children!

Dad... I love you!

-Sharon Jensen

Anousone Rasavong is a great Dad!-á

Life lessons from my dad are instructions that will always be carved in my brain: how to appreciate life's small gifts, why being gutsy is necessary for success, and to be electronic savvy in times when he's not there to fix the spotty wifi for my mom. We can all agree that dads want to teach their children all the tricks of the trade, but my dad has given me one of the most important gifts by example'passion. If it weren't for my dad who has shown so much devotion to the things he loves in life, I wouldn't feel the genuine good vibes when I hear him play a tune from George Michael or know what it means to be a devoted fanatic to my sports teams without him yelling with joy and madness right by my side! I just want to thank my dad for not only reminding me of the rules of reality, but how to live a soul full of color when times sometime seem black and white.

I love you dad! Happy Father's Day!


Teodoro Koval is a great Dad!-á

Teodoro Koval, wonderful father of four lovely woman, taught us to how to work hard and be honest and always believes we can be great at whatever we put our minds to. He taught us camping, fishing, hunting were not only things boys do. We will always look back on our childhood with the fondest of memories thanks to you. We appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for us. You are a great father and a loving grandfather. We love you!


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