Three Monroe High musicians heading to all-state music festival

Monroe High student musicians Justin Taylor, Kyle Olsen and Quinn Vicars have been chosen to participate in the Washington Music Educators Association's All-State Music Festival in Yakima next month along with the best high school age musicians in the state.

The three Monroe musicians were selected based on the skill they demonstrated last spring, when the association sent four songs to learn and record on audition tapes.

Olsen, an MHS junior and son of Kurt and Kelly Olsen, was accepted to the wind ensemble, along with fellow junior Taylor, son of Price and Jenine Taylor.

"The trumpet is kind of my pastime,GÇ¥ Olsen said in a school district news release. "A lot of kids just practice because that's what they need to do to get better, but I just do it for fun.GÇ¥

Olsen plans on majoring in music in college with the goal of being a band director. His mind is currently set on attending Central Washington University.

Taylor studied with a private instructor with the goal of making it into All State for the bass trombone. His father is also a trombonist who plays in several local groups. Taylor hopes to find a college with strong music and skiing programs.

Vicars plays the trombone and is also in the MHS choir. The Monroe junior is the son of Stacy MacGregor and Nick Vicars and stepson of Matt Edson. He is considering either Pacific Lutheran University or the University of Washington after high school.

"My stepdad has been a large part of my music playing,GÇ¥ Vickers said. "He hasn't necessarily pushed me towards music, but he has convinced my mom that music is something someone can make a living at, and that's been helpful.GÇ¥



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