Turk Talk | Speakers inspire Turks

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Sultan High School (SHS) held an assembly and invited two speakers, Dominic Miller and Keith Davis, to talk to our school about Martin Luther King Jr., along with other life lessons. Davis is a former USC and New York Giants football player, and Miller is a free agent. The whole school was captivated by the football players' strength and speeches. They called students down to make visual representations about people's dreams, and how far you can reach in life. They shared the idea of the second half: how even if your start was rough, you still have your second half to make up for it.
Davis proclaimed that all women should be treated as queens, by themselves and by others. "You are a queen,GÇ¥ he repeated over and over again to the ladies in the crowd. Teachers were amazed at how quiet the audience was when the two men were talking.
At the end of the assembly, the students were able to converse with them, take pictures and were even able to see their football rings up close.
Tyberious Macias commented, "It was a great assembly, it was very motivational. The input he gave us impacted me and it moved me. He mixed it up, and interacted with the kids, so it wasn't a boring assembly.GÇ¥
Student Ariel Acob said, "For me, it was really inspiring. He told us that even if you have sight, there is a vision beyond that. I think it really opened many people's eyes, and I think they made our school be more accepting of others. In the beginning, kids were saying how they didn't want to listen, but afterward, there were a lot of people going up to them to talk to them.GÇ¥
Upcoming events
Parent Registration Information Night is on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 6 p.m. Counselors will explain the registration process and how parents can help their students choose classes for next year.
The track and field coaches want to remind athletes that they should prepare right now, and one way would be to get into the weight room. The pre-season meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 27 after school in room 304. If you have questions, talk to Coach Hubbard.
The Friends of the Library will host a Book & Bake Sale on Saturday, Jan. 31 at the Sultan Library. They could use some help setting up. Most of their members are seniors and it's getting hard to carry all of those heavy books. If you are able to help, please call Carolyn Thelen at 360-793-2533. They will move books from storage on Thursday, Jan. 29 and put it all away on Saturday, Jan. 31, at 4p.m. All help is appreciated!


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